Home About the company Daily reviews FUNDAMENTAL REVIEW 10.09.12


Optimism is reduced amid the current problems ...
The Optimism of the late last week is beginning to decline amid regular news from the eurozone. Greece again can not agree with the troika of creditors and those with the "slamming the door" left the land of ancient Greece. At the same time, some German politicians, led by the Bundesbank continue to "stir up trouble", not wanting to know that Germany will not be able to hide, and if it begins to strongly support a weakening euro-zone countries, the crisis will finally destroy it.
In essence, it appears that the Germans have two options. First take on the burden of pulling out of the euro zone debt crisis, and the second to leave the eurozone. But even if Germany will leave the euro zone, it will not be getting better. In this connection I would like to ask a question, and that will make the German export-oriented companies to whom they will sell their products? Surely in the poverty-stricken Europe, affected the protracted crisis in the poor or China, where even the local authorities have failed to trigger the growth of domestic consumption.
No. The Germans had no choice but to save Europe. Needed immediate Euro integration and responding to all reporting. And as long as markets live hopes for a new batch of the drug called unlimited liquidity, which temporarily raise the markets, and then gives the new failure. Therefore, the single currency is still has a chance to grow up, but it will not be significant, since the growth of the money supply immediately lead to a weakening in the future of the single currency.
Events today:
Moscow time
12.30 Eurozone Sentix investor confidence from September n / a; -30,4; -30,3

23.00 U.S. Consumer Lending July n / a; 9,1 billion dollars, 6.5 billion

Author: admin
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