Home About the company Daily reviews FUNDAMENTAL REVIEW 30.10.12


Hurricane called "Sandy" significantly reduced activity in the markets
Now besides waiting for the results of the presidential election race, terrifying hurricane "Sandy", which hit the east coast of the United States, finally plunged into gloom market participants. Yesterday the U.S. market almost traded and may continue today as these forced the weekend. Waiting for a large-scale damage to the U.S. hurricane led to the cessation of operations by the major banks and investment firms.
A small burst of activity can now call statistics from Germany, as well as the speech Draghi.
Well, for important events, the players' attention this week will be on Friday's data from the U.S. labor market. Meanwhile, due to the hurricane in the United States today, we do not expect high activity in the markets.
Statistics today:
Moscow time
12.00 Eurozone ECB President's speech M.Dragi
12.55 Australia's Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia F.Louva
Germany 12.55 Changing the number of unemployed in September n / a; 10.000; 9.000
10.13 Eurozone business activity in retail trade in October n / a; n / a; 47,1
15.00 UK Realized sales from October CBI n / a; 8, 6
16.30 Canada commodity price index in September n / a; 1,2% m / m, 3.4% y / y
16.30 Canada price index for manufactured goods in September n / a; 0,2% m / m, -0.1% m / m
17.00 U.S. home price index of 20 metropolitan areas of the S & P / Case-Shiller August n / a; 1,9% y / y 1.2% y / y
18.00 U.S. consumer confidence index from the Conference Board in October n / a; 72,4; 70,3
20.30 U.S. President's speech the New York Fed U.Dadli
23.30 Presentation Canada Governor of the Bank of Canada M.Karni

Sergei Kostenko

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