Home About the company Daily reviews FUNDAMENTAL REVIEW 31.10.12


Today, the market's attention is focused on European history ...
Against the background of the hurricane "Sandy" activity in the markets was significantly lower due to the closure of the U.S. financial market. But at the same time, European events continue to influence the market.
Yesterday's accommodation Italy's 10-year government bonds with a yield of 4.92% was successful. Demand for bonds increased and this in spite of that, overall volumes were relatively low due to the closure of America because of the hurricane. This placement of bonds boosted optimism and recovery of the single currency from local minima.
Today investors will be focused on the meeting of the Euro Group, which will begin at 12.00 GMT. The meeting will be discussed once again the question of aid to Greece. As the Prime Minister of Greece "in the coming days will be resolved the question whether Greece will remain in the euro zone or not, but the government has done everything possible to get out of the crisis." Despite statements by the prime minister, markets continue to look at the fear of Athens, believing that the Greek saga is not over yet.
Today it is also necessary to pay attention to the statistics from Europe
Canada and the United States.
Statistics today:
Moscow time
14.00 Eurozone Preliminary assessment of the Consumer Price Index in October n / a; 2,5%; 2,6%
14.00 Eurozone unemployment rate in September n / a; 11,4%; 11,4%
16.30 Change in Canada's GDP in August n / a; 0,2% m / m and 0.2% m / m
16.30 U.S. Employment Cost Index Q3. 2012 n / a; 0,5% q / q and 0.5% q / q
17.30 of the members of the U.S. FOMC S.Raskin
17.45 U.S. index of business activity in Chicago in October n / a; 51,5; 49,7
18:30 U.S. Change oil 22.10-28.10 n / a; n / a; 5,9 million barrels.
20.25 U.S. President's speech in San Francisco Fed Dzh.Uilyamsa
22.00 Presentation Canada Governor of the Bank of Canada M.Karni
Sergei Kostenko
Author: admin
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