Home About the company Daily reviews Fundamental review of the market on 10.12.2013

Fundamental review of the market on 10.12.2013

USD / JPY was trading steadily at the session on Tuesday as investors continue to speculate about the possible time when stimulus reduction program of bond purchases will be started by the Federal Reserve. New food for these arguments gave an employment data in the U.S. ( job growth in the U.S. in November to 203,000 jobs ), which exceeded expectations. Trades are cautious after a series of speeches form the heads of the Federal Reserve Bank. They pointed out that the Fed may begin to start reducing the stimulus program later this month. As of now, 85 billion U.S. dollars is spent according to this program. Regular meeting of the Operations Committee on the Fed’s Open Market is scheduled for December 17-18 , but many investors still expect that the changes in the bond-buying program will be announced in the first half of 2014.

Analyst Andrew Batenski​

Author: admin
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