Home About the company Daily reviews Comment on the situation on a market 24.12.13

Comment on the situation on a market 24.12.13

Activity in the market continues to fall

Before the Catholic Christmas activity in the foreign exchange market continues to decline. An important event ofthe end of the year was undoubtedly the Fed's decision to start reducing the volume of repurchasingof the governmentbonds and mortgage-backed securities by $ 10 billion.

Already in January, the Fed will buy assets valued at $75 billion instead of $85 billion that was bought the last year.

This eventis truly remarkable,and the economic situation in the United States is really changing for the better, as economic statistics shows the last six months.

This economic developmentis inspiring for buyers of the dollar, as indeed, most likely, it will continue to grow in the next year.

Anduntil the end of this year we can expect continuation of reduction of activity and as a consequence of increased volatility in the market, as a large number of market participants do not wish to trade before the holidays.

Semyon Kamenski​

Author: admin
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