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Comment on the situation on a market 17.03.14


Fundamental reviews Фундаментальные обзоры

Euro is overbought and can be decreased

Consumer inflation can have a massive impact on European currency today. Last month this led to rapid EUR increase, as it was supported by ECB decision to keep the same monetary policy. But last week Mario Draghi announced his concern regarding EUR growth …

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Comment on the situation on a market 14.03.14


Fundamental reviews Фундаментальные обзоры

Will Euro go up or down?

Good data regarding retail sales (growth of 0,3% against 0,2%) and decrease of applications for unemployment benefits (315000 against 333000) had a positive impact on USD, as it rapidly increased against EUR. Another massive concern which had a negative impact on EUR was the …

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Comment on the situation on a market 12.03.14


Fundamental reviews Фундаментальные обзоры

What to expect from currency market

Looking on currency market we can suggest that traders are waiting for the new portion of economic statistics from the US in order to understand whether US economy is slowing after the cold Winter or not. After any good news about US economy is …

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Comment on the situation on a market 11.03.14


Fundamental reviews Фундаментальные обзоры

USD will get support on financial markets

Upcoming improvements of US economy statistics after cold Winter start to support USD. It can be proved by the latest statistics and news – good employment statistics, expected inflation of 3,09% in 2015 (according to New-York Federal Reserve Bank), increase of employment trend …

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Comment on the situation on a market 06.03.14


Fundamental reviews Фундаментальные обзоры

USD still has good perspectives for a growth

Most likely ECB will have to take quite difficult decision today. On one hand, Euro Zone economy is still struggling from high unemployment rate which is yet to show any reduction signs, PMI slowdown and many other problems including Ukrainian crisis and …

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Comment on the situation on a market 05.03.14


Fundamental reviews Фундаментальные обзоры

Euro will continue to decrease

EURUSD hit the local maximum recently and is quite “expensive” not to disturb Euro Zone economic recovery. Announcement by French Government saying that high Euro does no good for French economy just prove it.

In case American ADP non-farm data will be better than expected …

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Comment on the situation on a market 04.03.14


Fundamental reviews Фундаментальные обзоры

It makes sense to sell EUR on the up-trend

It looks like EUR will remain under pressure despite the fact that Mario Draghi is expected not to continue further monetary policy mitigation. We believe that on the next meeting which will take place this Thursday ECB president can announce his …

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Comment on the situation on a market 03.03.14


Fundamental reviews Фундаментальные обзоры

Geopolitical issues boost USD

Unexpected decision by Russia to support their compatriots on Ukraine led to the increase of tension in Europe and world in general. Due to this fact investors are less interested in risky deals. Russian rubble hit new minimums against EUR and USD and stock market simply …

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Fundamental review of the market on 27.02.2014


Fundamental reviews Фундаментальные обзоры

One of nine members of Bank of Japan Takehiro Sato said on Thursday that foreign investors are quite disappointed with the rate of reforms announced by Japan prime minister Shinzō Abe. This is a unique case of critics of Japanese government from one of the central bank governors. Sato (ex-economist of …

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Comment on the situation on a market 27.02.14


Fundamental reviews Фундаментальные обзоры

US dollar got a massive impulse

US Real Estate statistics published recently was much better than expected (468000 against predicted result of 400000), what is more, the result is much better than the previous one of 427000. Monthly increase equals to 9,6% against predicted 1,0%. This data inspired investors and …

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