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European premarket 22.11.2012


Premarkets Премаркеты
The market today is sluggish because of the weekend in the U.S.
European stock markets closed in positive territory on Wednesday against of my head of the German Bundesbank Schaeuble, who said that the assistance will be provided to Greece, and German Chancellor Merkel expressed confidence in his …
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European premarket 20.11.2012


Premarkets Премаркеты
Markets have grown, but what next? ..
European stock markets closed on Monday of this rally inspired with the prospects of a positive resolution of the U.S. budget crisis. And even Greek real problems could not overshadow the optimism of these prospects.
Growth leaders were paper companies in …
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Fundamental reviews Фундаментальные обзоры
We talk about the budget crisis in the U.S., but we can't forget about Greece
While investors continue to expect decoupling in talks Obama and the Republican Congress on the issue of the budget crisis, the situation around giving Greece the next tranche of financial assistance is characterized …
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AMERICAN premarket 19.11.2012


Premarkets Премаркеты
Obama reassured investors ...
The U.S. stock market ended trading on Friday steady growth inspired by rumors about the positive notes of the talks Obama and Congress on how to overcome the budget crisis. Optimism President conveyed to market participants who are hoping for a positive outcome in …
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FOREX: Technical analysis 11/19/12


Technical reviews
News background: 
Negative news about the escalating of the conflict in the Middle East continue to support commodity prices and commodity assets, which in turn positively affects the Australian currency. Due to these events, the couple has a chance to continue its local growth. 
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European premarket 19.11.2012


Premarkets Премаркеты
Obama described the negotiations with the Republicans as optimistic
European stock markets closed lower on Friday with pending the outcome of negotiations between President Obama and Republican part of the Congress on the issue of overcoming the fiscal crisis that threatens to plunge the U.S. economy into a …
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Fundamental reviews Фундаментальные обзоры
The FOMC has disappointed investors...
Yesterday's publication of the minutes of the last meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee Federal Reserve FOMC disappointed investors. Uncertainty of whether the Fed will buy more government bonds under the "twist-2" or not. The fact that the program will end in …
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European premarket 15.11.2012


Premarkets Премаркеты
Markets continue to fall ...
European stock markets continued to fall on Wednesday, following the collapse on the eve of the U.S. stock market on news of weak economies of Portugal and Germany. General negative sentiment continues to influence the gloomy market sentiment. Again, with the possibility of …
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Fundamental reviews Фундаментальные обзоры
Uncertainties continue to put pressure on the markets...
The remaining uncertainty in the settlement of the situation relating to the so-called "fiscal cliff" continues to have a negative impact on the markets. The fact that this event does not happen, most likely, is a fact. But the most …
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European premarket 14.11.2012


Premarkets Премаркеты
The market does not believe in the prospects of the "fiscal cliff" ...
European stock markets closed on Tuesday in hopes of increasing that budget problems in the U.S. will soon be resolved, and Athens still receive financial aid. Poor statistics in Germany and the euro zone could …
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