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American premarket from Sergei Kostenko

All attention is focused on the FRC market meeting
The U.S. stock market ended trading Tuesday in positive territory pending the results of a two-day meeting of the Fed, which will announce its decision of monetary policy on Thursday. Negative statistics from the labor market in August allows investors to hope that Bernanke tomorrow will understand that the Fed will begin a new incentive measures, and continues to maintain that the U.S. stock market in the pre-crisis peak values.
American BKX bank index closed yesterday at 49.29 (+0.82%). Shares of companies JPMorgan Chase & Co., Citigroup Inc and Bank of America Co.vyrosli from 1.75% to 5.24%.
U.S. stock indexes for the previous trading day to close at: DJI-13,323.36 (+0.52%); S & P 500 - 1,433.56 (+0.31%); NASDAQ Comp. - 3,104.53 (+0.02%)
On the eve of the U.S. trading session, futures on the broad market index S & P 500 is 1,435.50 (+0.34%). U.S. markets open growth.
Oil futures before opening in New York continues to grow in hopes of new stimulus from the Fed.
Futures of the Brent Oil (ICE) day at 116.06 (+0.57%), U.S. crude oil WTI (ICE) 97.48 (+0.33%). Gold futures are at 1250.95 (-0.75%), quotes copper at 369.20 (+1.29).
Goldmann Sachs Commodity Index XOI last session stood at 1263.91 (+1.04%).
In the foreign exchange market during the day the U.S. dollar continues to be under pressure due to the probability of launching new stimulus from the Fed. EURUSD pair has a chance to local growth if the Fed still will make it clear that the incentives will be launched this year.
Futures on the dollar index, which reflects the value of the U.S. currency against a trade-weighted basket of currencies, is 79.69 (-0.19%).
Prediction of the day:
Dollar will remain under pressure for a short term until the decision of Fed's monetary policy on will be announced.
Events today:
Moscow time
16.30 U.S. Import prices in August n / a; 1,4% m / m, -0.6% m / m
18.00 U.S. Wholesale Inventories July n / a; 0,3% m / m, -0.2% m / m
18.30 U.S. Crude Oil Stocks for the week 02.08 avgustan / a; n / a; -7,4 million barrels.
Sergei Kostenko
*Recommendations listed in this article, can not be used as a base for the direct actions.
Author: admin
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