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European premarket from Sergei Kostenko


Today, the markets will be positive ...
European shares ended trading on Thursday with decline amid uncertainty whether Spain apply for financial aid to the three creditors. The uncertainty in this regard, has a negative impact on investor sentiment.
Index DJ EURO STOXX BANK up to previous trading closed at 106.50 (-1.97%). Shares of BBVA, UniCredit and Intesa Sanpaolo fell from 2.12% to 3.39%.
Major European indexes at the close of the previous trading session: FTSE 100 - 5,854.64 (-0.57%); DAX 30 - 3,509.92 (-0.10%); CAC 40 - 7,389.49 (-0.02%). Futures on the DJ STOXX 50 in the morning prior to the opening of trading in Europe is 2,567.00 (+0.67%). Trading in Europe will open growth of the major stock indexes.
European index of "blue chips" FTSEurofirst 300 closed Wednesday at 1,114.97 (-0.13%).
Before the opening of the European session US yield on 10-year T-Note is 1.79% (+0.022 NCP), the 10-year German Government Bonds is 1.57% (+0.046 NCP), and the 10-year UK Government Bonds is 1.80% (-0.047 NCP).
Oil futures  in the morning before the opening of the European trading session, continue to rise after a strong and sharp fall on Tuesday. Overall, while it is possible to expect continuation of growth of quotations on a small background program QE 3.
Brent Oil (ICE) in morning electronic trading before the opening of Europe at 110.44 (+0.37%), and U.S. crude oil WTI (ICE) 93.13 (+0.76%).
Gold futures morning at 1,773.90 (+0.21%), quotes copper at 379.50 (+0.96%).
Commodity Index CRB Index for the previous trading day was 306.93 (-0.48%).
In the currency market, the U.S. dollar is under pressure against the backdrop of a small increase in optimism related to the possible effectiveness of incentives from the Federal Reserve and the expectation that Spain will ask for financial help after all and this is again stabilize the situation in Europe. For this reason, a couple of Eurodollar stopped its decline and commodity currencies were supported by higher prices for commodities and commodity markets.
Futures on the dollar index, which reflects the value of the U.S. currency against a trade-weighted basket of currencies, is 79.32 (-0.20%).
Prediction of the day:
If the EURUSD pair will stay above 1.2940 level, then there is a high probability that it will continue to rise to the level of 1.3350.
Events today:
Moscow time
11.30 Exit Switzerland's quarterly newsletter Swiss National Bank
12.30 UK public sector net borrowing in August UK n / a; 13,0 billion pounds -1.8 billion pounds
16.30 Canada Core CPI in August n / a; 0,3% m / m, -0.1% m / m
16.30 Canada Consumer Price Index in August n / a; 0,4% m / m, -0.1% m / m
16.30 Canada wholesale sales volume in July n / a; -0,1% m / m, -0.1% m / m
20.40 U.S. Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta President's speech D.Lokarta
Sergei Kostenko
*Recommendations listed in this article, can not be used as a base for the direct actions.
Author: admin
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