Home About the company Daily reviews European premarket 30.10.2012

European premarket 30.10.2012

Activity in the markets has fallen markedly because of the absence in the market of America...
European market shares finished trading lower on Monday amid weak corporate accountability and expectations of European companies hit hurricane "Sandy" on the east coast of the U.S.. In the largest decline were shares of insurance companies Reinsurers Swiss Re Hannover RE, which fell because of expectations that the hurricane the world's largest insurance companies expect a large insurance payout.
Index DJ EURO STOXX BANK up to previous trading closed at 105.90 (-0.38%). Shares of Banco Santander, UniCredit and Intesa Sanpaolo lost between 1.31% to 2.67%.
Major European indexes at the close of the previous trading session: FTSE 100 - 5,795.10 (-0.20%); DAX 30 - 7,203.16 (-0.40%); CAC 40 - 3,408.89 (-0.76%). Futures DJ STOXX 50 in the morning prior to the opening of trading in Europe is 2474.50 (-0.09). European stock markets open in the red zone.
European index of "blue chips" FTSEurofirst 300, closed on Monday at 1,093.57 (-0.34%).
Before the opening of the European session US yield on 10-year T-Note is 1.72% (+0.000 points), the 10-year German Government Bonds is 1.46% (-0.079 points), and 10-year-old UK Government Bonds is 1.80% (-0.069 points).
Oil futures on the morning electronic trading before the opening of Europe's decline against falling loads refineries and therefore the growth of oil reserves. An additional factor is the recent strong overbought oil market.
Mark Brent Oil (ICE) in morning electronic trading before the opening of Europe at 108.84 (-0.65%) and the U.S. crude oil WTI (ICE) 85.34 (-1.10%).
Gold futures morning at 1,710.40 (+0.10%), quotes copper at 350.75 (+0.37%).
Commodity Index CRB Index for the previous trading day was 296.84 (-0.00%).
In the foreign exchange market witnessed volatile dynamics. Remain under pressure European currencies, and the Australian, New Zealand dollars and yen has growing up against the U.S. dollar.
The dollar index ICE, which reflects the value of the U.S. currency against a trade-weighted basket of currencies, is 80.36 (+0.25%).
Prediction of the day:
We can assume that EURUSD will continue to consolidate in the range of 1.2865-70.
Events today:
Moscow time
12.00 Eurozone ECB President's speech M.Dragi
12.55 Australia's Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia F.Louva
Germany 12.55 Changing the number of unemployed in September n / a; 10.000; 9.000
10.13 Eurozone business activity in retail trade in October n / a; n / a; 47,1
15.00 UK Realized sales from October CBI n / a; 8, 6
16.30 Canada commodity price index in September n / a; 1,2% m / m, 3.4% y / y
16.30 Canada price index for manufactured goods in September n / a; 0,2% m / m, -0.1% m / m
17.00 U.S. home price index of 20 metropolitan areas of the S & P / Case-Shiller August n / a; 1,9% y / y 1.2% y / y
18.00 U.S. consumer confidence index from the Conference Board in October n / a; 72,4; 70,3
20.30 U.S. President's speech the New York Fed U.Dadli
23.30 Presentation Canada Governor of the Bank of Canada M.Karni
U.S. financial market will be closed today
Sergei Kostenko

*Recommendations listed in this article, can not be used as a base for the direct actions.

Author: admin
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