Home About the company Daily reviews European premarket 08.11.2012

European premarket 08.11.2012

The market bothered about the possibility of "budget cliff" in the U.S. 
European market shares finished trading on Wednesday amid strong decline renewed fears associated with reality "budget cliff" in the United States. An additional negative was news about a new fight in the Greek parliament on the adoption of measures to reduce costs. The leaders of the falling shares were shares of companies in the financial sector.
Index DJ EURO STOXX BANK up to previous trading closed at 104.44 (-2.73%). Paper BBVA, UniCredit, Societe Generale and Deutsche Bank have fallen from 3.71% to 4.33%.
Major European indexes at the close of the previous trading session: FTSE 100 - 5,791.63 (-1.58%); DAX 30 - 7,232.83 (-1.96%); CAC 40 - 3,409.59 (-1.99%). Futures DJ STOXX 50 in the morning prior to the opening of trading in Europe is 2510.10 (+0.35). European stock markets open growth.
European index of "blue chips" FTSEurofirst 300 closed Wednesday at 1,099.35 (-1.38%).
Before the opening of the European session US yield on 10-year T-Note is 1.68% (-0.007 points), the 10-year German Government Bonds is 1.38% (-0.059 points), and 10-year-old UK Government Bonds is 1.76% (-0.057 points).
Oil futures on the morning electronic trading after yesterday grow sharp collapse in commodity markets.
Mark Brent Oil (ICE) in morning electronic trading before the opening of Europe at 107.56 (+0.69%) and U.S. crude oil WTI (ICE) 85.11 (+0.79%).
Gold futures morning at 1,718.79 (+0.06%), quotes copper at 345.65 (+0.44%).
Commodity Index CRB Index for the previous trading day was 291.49 (-1.91%).
In the currency market, the dollar continues to rise sharply under the influence of negativity associated with the ability to "break the budget" in the United States. These fears were renewed again because investors doubt that Barack Obama can agree with Republicans to address this issue. Against this background, the rating agency Moody's said on the possibility of lowering the credit rating of the U.S., if the level of debt will not be increased.
The dollar index ICE, which reflects the value of the U.S. currency against a trade-weighted basket of currencies, is 80.86 (-0.02%).
Prediction of the day:
Today, attention should be paid to the Draghi's​ speech, statistics from the U.S. and the ECB and the Bank of England. It seems that after yesterday's collapse, today the market will try to bounce up.
Events today:
Moscow time
13.30 UK trade balance in September n / a; -9,1 billion pounds -9.3 billion pounds
16.00 UK asset purchase program in November n / a; 375 billion pounds, 375 billion pounds
16.00 UK decision of the Bank of England's interest rate in November n / a; 0,50%; 0,50%
16.45 Eurozone ECB's decision on interest rates in November n / a; 0,75%; 0,75%
17.15 Canada Construction October n / a; 215,000; 225,000
17.30 Canada September trade balance n / a; -1,4 billion; -1.1 billion
17.30 Canada price index on the primary market in September n / a; 0,2% m / m and 0.2% m / m
17.30 Eurozone ECB press conference
17:30 U.S. September trade balance n / a; -44,9 billion; -44.2 billion
17.30 U.S. The number of applications for unemployment benefits for the week 28.10-03.11 n / a; 373,000; 363,000
19.30 U.S. natural gas reserves for the week 28.10-03.11 n / a; n / a; 65 Bcf.
22.10 Presentation of the Bank of Canada Canada's Carney
Sergei Kostenko
*Recommendations listed in this article, can not be used as a base for the direct actions.
Author: admin
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