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GC Invest Copy Trading Service Instructions Are Out

Header picture for the news about copy trading ready instructions

We are pleased to announce that our Customer Support team has finished creating and editing the set of manuals for our renovated and modernized copy trading service GC Invest. The set of manuals is available for both GC Invest for Investors and GC Invest for Investment Masters (i.e., money managers) users in eight major languages spoken in our company, by our partners and clients.

Welcome to download and read the full PDF instructions here and here, as well as from the corresponding website sections (under full FAQ section at the bottom of the webpage): GC Invest for Investors, GC Invest for Investment Masters, to learn and experience:

  • The user-friendly service design maintains full control over your investments and strategies.
  • Transparent, detailed, and easily accessible statistics.
  • Instant transfers, deposits, and withdrawals.
  • Smart cooperation between accounts and services.
  • Understandable settings within a multilingual system translated into twelve languages.

We would be grateful to know your opinion about the new services and would appreciate to receiving your feedback at [email protected] or on our social networks.

Good luck investing!


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Author: GC

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