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American premarket from Sergei Kostenko

Wall Street will try to grow up today...


The U.S. stock market ended trading on Monday with a reduction because of waiting for the results of the first month of the incentive programs, unimpressive prediction of Caterpillar and weak data on the business climate in Germany.
American BKX bank index closed yesterday at 50.42 (+0.40%). Shares of companies ABCB.OQ, Wells Fargo & Co. and JPMorgan Chase & Co grew from 0.23% to 0.86%.
U.S. stock indexes for the previous trading day to close at: DJI-13,558.92 (-0.15%); S & P 500 - 1,456.89 (-0.22%); NASDAQ Comp. - 3,160.78 (-0.60%)
On the eve of the U.S. trading session, futures on the broad market index S & P 500 is 1,452.90 (+0.10%). U.S. markets open neutral.
Oil futures before opening in New York continues to grow up on the background of the next wave of rising tensions with Iran and the statement of the Chinese authorities that their monetary policy will remain soft.
Crude futures mark Brent Oil (ICE) day at 110.93 (+1.01%), U.S. crude oil WTI (ICE) 92.80 (+0.94%). Gold futures stood at 1,762.80 (-0.85%), quotes copper at 375.95 (+0.75).
Goldmann Sachs Commodity Index XOI last session stood at 1276.97 (-0.34%).
In the currency market, the single currency has ceased to decline and growing up on the background of the auction of the European Central Bank's weekly deposits. Prior to that, the euro was under pressure as a whole because of the uncertainty associated with the plan of salvation ECB Spain.
Futures on the dollar index, which reflects the value of the U.S. currency against a trade-weighted basket of currencies, is 79.54 (-0.05%).
Prediction of the day:
Amid expectations that Spain will accept the ECB's rescue plan EURUSD can locally jump to the level of 1.3060.
Events today:
Moscow time
17.00 Eurozone ECB President Draghi
17.00 U.S. house price index from the S & P / CS July n / a; 1,5% y / y and 0.5% y / y
18.00 U.S. consumer confidence index from September NE n / a; 62,9; 60,6
18.00 U.S. house price index in July n / a; 0,3% m / m, 0.7% y / y
18.00 U.S. index of business activity in the manufacturing sector, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond in September n / a; -6; -9
21.30 Address by U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner
22.15 Presentation Canada board member of the Bank of Canada Lane
Sergei Kostenko
*Recommendations listed in this article, can not be used as a base for the direct actions.
Author: admin
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